Association Rule Mining and APriori
As you may already know, association rule mining is the process of discovering rules in data based on the frequent co-occurrence of items in the dataset. It is one of the more well-known techniques in data mining; primarily as the result of demonstrated successes in applications to discovering grocery items that individuals are likely to purchase together in a process usually referred to as market basket analysis.
The general idea is that we take a preferably large set of data and winnow it down to only those sets of items/features that co-occur frequently and in some cases imply one another. From these sets we form implication rules such as \(A \land B \land C \rightarrow D\).
In this post, I will discuss some of the metrics used in discovering rules and will briefly discuss one of the more common algorithms used in association rule mining: the APriori algorithm.
Example Setup
To introduce association rule mining, I will work from an example dataset of grocery items that were purchased by a hypothetical set of customers. The data itself can be seen in the following table.
transaction id | apples | oranges | soda | diapers | candy bar | bread | milk | butter | beer |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
7 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
9 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
10 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
11 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||
13 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
14 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
15 | 1 | 1 |
In association rule mining, the term for a row of data is a transaction. Here we have a set of 15 transactions in a grocery store. The items that were purchased are marked with a 1 and those that were not purchased by a particular customer are left blank.
We have a simple example here in order to introduce the concepts; however, we do not need to limit ourselves to a set of binary relations of {X = 1} or {X =
empty} (where X can be any of the items, apples, oranges, soda, etc.). We could just as easily have allowed our X to take on numerical values if we were dealing with a different set of columns in our table. The one thing that is required is that our data is somehow able to be coaxed into a finite set of values. For example if our feature columns are real-valued, we would need to split them at boundaries so that we can run association rule mining algorithms on them.
In order to discover which of these items tend to be purchased together and which items may lead to another item being purchased we will introduce means for testing their frequency of co-occurrence in the following section.
Finding Frequent Sets
To find the items we often use the concepts of support, confidence and lift. These are the basic tests for which rules we can form
Support tells us how often a particular item is found in the transactions. It is simply the fraction of transactions or number of times that a single item or a set of items is found. There are two different ways that people measure support: number of times the set occurs and fraction of times. These two types of support measurement are known as the absolute and relative support, respectively.
Confidence uses the support measurement as a basis and gives us information about potential implication of the occurrence of items. What this means is that we can start to make inferences about whether the existence of a set of items implies that another item or set of items is likely to exist in the same type of transaction. Confidence is simply the support of a set of items divided by the support of a subset of those items. E.g. for items X, Y and Z, the confidence is calculated as \(\frac{supp(X,Y,Z)}{supp(X,Y)}\) (with supp() referring to the support value) for the confidence that Z is present when X and Y are also found in a transaction or the ratio of the support of X, Y and Z to the support of just X and Y. Parallels are often drawn between confidence and conditional probability since their definitions are very similar (i.e. the conditional probability of event Z given event Y is defined as $P(X|Y) = \frac{P(X,Y)}{P(Y)} or similarly the conditional probability of event Z given events X and Y is \(P(Z|X,Y)=\frac{P(X,Y,Z)}{P(X,Y)}\)). The difference lies in the fact that in calculating confidence, we are concerned solely with frequencies rather than requiring probabilities.
The last quantity that we will define before doing actual calculations is lift. Lift is defined as the ratio of the support of items X and Y and the 'independent' support of items X and Y (if you would forgive the reference to the terminology of probability theory). Thus, the lift is defined mathematically as:
$$lift(X \Rightarrow Y) = \frac{supp(X \cup Y)}{supp(X) \cdot supp(Y)}$$
The lift gives us an indication of how often items are found together versus alone or independent.
Example Calculations
Let's calculate (relative) support for each of the individual items first. There are 15 items total, which gives us the following support for each of the individual items (apples=6/15, oranges=6/15, soda=7/15, diapers=10/15, candy bar=3/15, bread=6/15, milk=7/15, butter=2/15 and beer=9/15). That was pretty easy to calculate all support values for our 9 items. Now let's consider the support for two-sets of items (items in groupings of 2). There are \({9 \choose 2}=36\) different ways of combining our items in groups of two. That's a lot to list - so we'll just do a couple of them. Let's look at soda and candy bars for starters. Out of the 15 transactions, we have 3 instances in which both soda and candy bars are bought together. If we look at apples and candy bars, we have 1 out of 15 examples in which both are found together. How about beer and diapers? 7 out of the 15 transactions have both beer and diapers are found together in transactions.
We have rough indications for how often some items are found together but cannot draw many conclusions about causality because even though soda and candy bars are only found together in 3 out of the 15 transactions, we cannot say much because it could be that the items do have a connection, but are not bought by a lot of customers. Indeed, if we look at the confidence calculations for soda given candy bars, we have that the confidence is \(\frac{supp(soda,candy bar)}{supp(candy bar)} = \frac{3}{3} = 1.0\). Confidence has a range of 0.0 to 1.0. Thus with a 1.0 confidence, we would (if the transaction set was bigger) say that we have a strong belief that people who have bought a candy bar are likely to also buy a soda. How about the frequency of people buying beer given that they have diapers in their shopping cart? The confidence is \(\frac{7/10}=0.7\), which is a pretty high value as well. Therefore, we might infer that there is a tendency for someone buying beer if they have a baby at home. In fact it is this relation that has been used to popularize association rule mining techniques. In an actual example of association rule mining, this beer and diaper relationship was discovered. If you think about it, it makes sense. A screaming baby at home might make a frustrated mother or father want a cold beer to take off the edge.
Let's look at the lift of the soda/candy bar and diaper/beer relationships. The lift of the soda/candy beer relationship is \(\frac{3/15}{(7/15)\cdot(3/15)}=2.14\) and the lift of the diaper/beer relationship is \(\frac{7/10}{((10/15)\cdot(9/15))}=1.75\). Generally, the higher the lift, the stronger is the relation between the items.
There are many other calculations that we can do to find relationships between sets: conviction, leverage, collective strength to name a few. We'll stop with these three basic calculations for this post.
You may have noticed that we have something of a combinatorial explosion as we want to calculate frequency quantities of increasing set size. For a 'group' size of 1, we only had to do \(k=9\) support calculations (one for each 'feature' or basket item). For groups of two, we had to calculate \({9 \choose 2}\) support values; and groups of 3 would require \({9 \choose 3}\) calculations. Imagine if we had more than 9 available grocery items. This is where calculations of combinations of items start to become expensive. As such, we need algorithms that do this efficiently.
A Priori
The A Priori algorithm is a way to efficiently calculate frequency relationships of large transaction sets with many possible items/features. It relies on a monotonicity assumption of itemsets called the 'downward closure lemma'. In simple terms, it relies on the assumption that if frequent sets of lower cardinality are not present, higher cardinality groups will not contain them. This narrows the number of potential combinations of items for larger group combinations. So for example, we can see that the itemset {butter, candy bar} has zero occurrences. Therefore, we do not need to calculate the frequency of a superset of this itemset such as {butter, candy bar, apple}. We already know that there are no such combinations. This allows us to reduce the combinations of large cardinality itemsets. However, in practice we do always limit the maximum size group of items that we would like to explore.
We went over a brief summary of some key concepts of association rule mining, one of the most popular data mining strategies. In future notes, we will go into more depth aout some of the other metrics used to find frequent itemsets in a transaction database, and explore the influence of missing data on itemset discovery.